Cutting Through the Noise: A Reflection on the True Essentials of Software Development Escaping the Hype: The Art of Staying Focused on Value
Lean Architecture with .NET Core and C# How to Avoid Unnecessary Complexity and Keep Your Domain Free of Technical Concerns
Understanding Event Stores: Benefits and Insights We'll discuss the benefits of event stores from a higher perspective, focusing on their strategic advantages over traditional data storage methods.
Bounded Contexts: Behavior Over Data Structures - Part II How to Use Aggregates to Modularize Software Systems.
Domain-Driven Design: The Power of CQRS and Event Sourcing How CQRS/ES Redefine Building Scalable Systems.
The Role of a Unique Identity in Entities Do you really have a domain model, or is it just a data model?
Bounded Contexts: Behavior Over Data Structures - Part I Using Domain-Driven Design Key Concepts for Modularization: Bounded Context and Aggregates.